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Rave Reviews

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Rob J. Scarpa 
Carpenter & World Renowned Automatic Writers Channel for the Spiritual Realm

Take-a-way what have you learned?

I learned about the reset of Humanity

How would you rate our services?

10 stars Blown  away Above and beyond

Please Write a Referral Testimonial.

Once again Carla Gitto has delivered a large body of information through multiple channeled Energies, Entities and Galactic beings all in an effort to assist Humanity to break free of the matrix of beliefs that we have been programmed to follow. Thank you Carla for your dedication and devotion to the cause of Ascension as you selflessly give of yourself for us! ❤️❤️❤️

Attentded  Lemurian Rising Event and 8 week Violte Flame Journey

Please share Constructive Criticism form the place of LOVE. Providing this insight and answering all question will GREATLY assist in growth and expansion for all. Thank you.

Every thing was Perfect!

Please: List Occupation / website / If your in the healing are what do you speaclize in?

Carpenter and Automatic Writers Channel for the Spiritual Realm

Referral Testimonial

I had the honor of meeting Rev Carla Gitto a few years ago. Our first encounter was when I had the pleasure of experiencing her amazing Violet Flame class. Carla’s beautiful connection with St Germaine is absolutely amazing. I also received an incredible reading of my Akashic Records from Rev Carla Gitto!! Wow, wow and wow!! Her channeling gifts are so incredible. Highly recommend reaching out to this beautiful being for any of her offerings! Multi dimensional ✨💜✨


Spiritual Artist Energy Healer Hypnotist Medium and Children book Author

Founder of Sunshine Warrior, LLC 

Star Rating 1-10

10 star's blown away above and beyond

Take-away whatyouhave learned? Carla is a magical being.


Wenche Nerdal, 
From outside the USA, Norway
Spiritual Energy Healing Artist

my experience when I have booked an appointment with Carla to experience Akashic Rekords. 


I have now had a few hours with Carla, and they have only gotten better and better. Here you can ask about everything you want to know about your life. from past, present, and future. I got to know about a family that I did not know about at all. I received healing from Jesus Christ and I received many other wonderful information and experiences.


My experience of Carla is that she is a pure channel and a wonderful warm person that one can only fall in love with️ thank you so much for a magical experience Carla. 

Love, Wenche Nerdal

Kelly Schallcross Tallaksen.jpg

Kelly Schallcross Tallasken,
Board Certified Hypnosis, and NGH Hypnosis Instructor, Long Island N.Y.

Posted on FB 11/28/2020 

Today I had the most powerful, enlightening, and deeply healing Akashic Record Reading from Carla Gitto. Carla has a beautiful gift and I amso happy she shared it with me today.

Thank you, Carla Gitto

Posted on FB 11/28/2020 

Today I had the most powerful, enlightening, and deeply healing Akashic Record Reading from Carla Gitto. Carla has a beautiful gift and I am happy she shared it with me today.

Thank you, Carla Gitto


Darlene Smith N.Y. 

I had an Akashic Reading session with Carla, she not only read the records but channeled the records it was such a profound experience!

Carla was spot on and gave me great insight into questions I have been asking myself, I was informed of the name of one of my guides, Confirmation of my gifts I am here to share, she is accurate as well as compassionate while delivering this information which is so important D.S. NY

Testimony from our Amazing healing journey into the Akashic Records and 8 week Violet Flame Jourey

"My experience with Carla has been enlightening and profoundly healing. She possesses beautiful energy that you feel immediately in her presence, whether online or in person. Her gifts are many and are matched only by her genuine and helpful nature. I have had the honor of participating in two journeys with Carla and have experienced spiritual ascension and transformation. First through her 8 Week Violet Flame journey in which she channels St. Germaine and you learn how to activate the Violet Flame for everyday use and that is only the beginning. ! I would highly recommend the Workshop. 

The second journey I participated in was a tour of my Akashic records. Carla through her gifts and years of training brought me to that special place where I met my Spirit Guides and received a Healing. It was a beautiful experience made extra special by the very special and gifted Reverend Carla Gitto".


With Love

Sharon Brenseke

Love you, Carla you are Amazing

"Feel free to share my testimony on your website. I give you permission to use my name.

I want everyone to know what a gift and blessing you are".

Deirdre Ferguson
Energyhealer Angel Card Reader
founder  of  cup and wand 

Referral Testimonal

Prior to 2022 I had never heard about the Violet Flame, I am honored to have been called to this miraculous energy. The shift that has taken place over this eight week course is amazing. Not only have I seen a change in myself, I’ve seen people and situations around me change in ways I’d not even thought possible. I feel blessed to have met Carla and be a part of her class. Carla is kind  loving soul, whose passion for the violet flame is infectious. Her love for St. Germaine and the violet flame is undeniable, and it has helped me move forward in my own journey with the Violet flame. If you found yourself looking at Carla’s website, it’s not a coincidence, you are meant to take this journey and have your own wonderful experience with St. Germaine and the Violet Flame.

Take-away you have learned?

What I’ve learned over the past few weeks is what a powerful tool the violet flame is. It has changed so many different things in my life. I feel blessed to have been called to participate in this class.

 Mary Ellen Boatman

FlintRidge Oklahoma, Retreat Cordinator Leader ,

Founder of Love Portals,

 Channeler, Energy Healer

"I find it difficult to put into words what Carla brings to an Akashic Records Reading. It is hard to encapsulate the life-changing sessions. Carla helped me discover my multi-dimensional identity. She helped me fulfill a mission begun in Lemuria. At the same time I was told by my guides to seek her help, she was being told I would seek her help and what I would need in the session. She opened knowledge regarding a new mission I am currently involved in."


"She has been a cornerstone of my awakening.

I love recommending  Carla. You won’t be disappointed."

Services Experienced

3 Akasic Record Reading and Healings

Participated in the First ever 8 Week  Violet Flame Journey (Founding Member)

2 Lermurian Crystalline Heart Activation.


(Mary was in a Mediation were she was told I would Know how to preform a Lemurian Crystalline Heart Activation. I also happened to be in meditation when I was told I would be doing this service as part of my calling, Mary would be the first. I came out of meditation only to receive a text of her sharing she was told to contact ne and I would know what to do.

We were told at the same time!)

2/2/2022 Lemurian / Saint Germaine Mediation Channeling

Venessa Gonzeles

Take-a-way what have you learned?

To cut out all the negative things in my life and turn it Into positive growth and healing

How would you rate Rev Carla's services?

10 stars Blown  away Above and beyond

Please Write a Referral Testimonial.

The Lemurian Rising Event was the first time I had the absolute pleasure in meeting Rev. Carla Gitto. Right before the event started I was so nervous like first day back to school nervous . Once I heard Carla’s voice and seen her face all the nerves went away, she has such a beautiful radiant calming loving aura, everyone especially Rev. Carla Gitto was so welcoming and full of light and love. The meditation with her was one for the books . The colors, the love, the peace, the warmth the emotions It was out of this world amazing the experience I had  I’m still amazed I can go on and on about  it but I see why Rev. Carla Gitto is so praised for who she is and what she does, your Channeling is beyond words I’m so grateful to have met you and to be apart of something so special thank you !! .

Please share Constructive Criticism form the place of LOVE. Providing this insight and answering all question will GREATLY assist in growth and expansion for all. Thank you.

From what I experienced nothing had to be corrected or improved

Please: List Occupation / website / If your in the healing are what do you speaclize in?

Psychic/medium, Tarot card Reader

"I just love that the universe lined up perfectly and it Had me able to attend your   session it was so beautiful and so fantastic I am so happy that I was able to participate and receive your beautiful energy of the Violet flame I feel a definitive shift in my physical and energetic being and I look forward to Communicating with you in the future as well dear priestess of Lemuria

 it was so exciting I'm so proud of you and you do a wonderful job thank you,

thank you, thank you!"

Steve  Interrante

Founder of Just Be within . com Mindfullness Meditation 

Healer. Teacher, Raising the vibration of the plane. Host Sounding healing Meditation.

If you are already on the path of assention or just beginning. You owe it to yourself to have a session with Carla she is truly very powerful authentic sincere and loving and will help clear paths for you to move through your journey here as a human, highly recommended!!

10 star rating excceded my expectations above and beyond,  Just perfect. No suggestions.

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